3 Reasons School Lunch Software is More Important Than Ever

Ever since the COVID-19 global pandemic disrupted physical attendance and every other element of schooling, administrators and school districts have been trying to chart a course forward. Now more than ever, every dollar in the IT budget counts.

One cost-effective way to enhance your school's systems is to upgrade to a cloud-based school lunch software. Even though the price is low, this type of program brings major benefits - and it doesn't even require any hardware. Here are three more reasons that now is the best time to invest in school lunch software:

Bring Order to COVID-19 Chaos

Even as more schools fully reopen, the effects of hybrid and distance learning will continue to be felt for a long time. Trying to reconcile outstanding student balances or keep track of which students are physically present and need lunch during which days is almost impossible with the traditional pen-and-paper method.

Cloud-based school lunch software is easy to use for school staff, administrators, and parents. Since it is cloud-based, the system can be accessed anywhere with a computer and Internet connection, so even remote staffers can log in and manage menus and orders as needed. As more students switch back to full-time in-person learning, proactive, digital order management and payment means fewer headaches for staff so they can focus on more important matters.

There's another silver lining - school lunch Point of Sale (POS) software cuts down on the need for monetary transactions at school, which means students and staff won't need to handle money, reducing one possible point of contact with germs. Everyone is more health-conscious than ever and looking for sanitary ways to interact. Pre-ordering and payment options through a School Lunch POS creates a safer way to facilitate meal payment and distribution.

Parents Want Greater Control and You Need Greater Oversight

Parents have always been important to a student's academic success, but nowadays they want even greater insight and input into their child's experiences in school. Lunchtime is no exception. Since the school lunch POS is cloud-based, parents can easily access the system and see planned menus, and place orders and prepay for their children. This convenience keeps parents involved in the process and informed about their child's nutrition.

It also keeps school administrators from having to manually keep track of student orders, or deal with an unexpected lunch request. Additionally, the system makes prepayment or invoicing a breeze, providing the management level schools need without sacrificing parent and student choice.

Software Systems Allow for Student Privacy and Dignity

In fiscal year 2019, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provided low-cost or free lunches to 29.4 million children daily , at a total cost of $14.1 billion. The need for nutritious and government-subsidized student meals only grew in the wake of the economic upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the USDA issued waivers to make school lunches free for the 2020-2021 school year. The need for government-subsidized food - and a school's ability to track their participation and receive the benefits - isn't going anywhere.

A cloud-based school lunch software system makes it easier for schools to track their students' participation and receive the reimbursement they need from the federal government. It greatly reduces the errors that can come from manual tracking and reporting - which means that you won't be leaving money on the table.

Just as important, a cloud-based POS system for school lunch protects students' privacy. They won't need to present vouchers or identify themselves in the lunch line, which also empowers students and their families to take advantage of these valuable programs without fear of teasing or embarrassment.

Ready to See What Cloud-Based School Lunch Software Can Do for You?

The benefits of a school lunch POS software system are great, and the price is modest. Now, as schools welcome students back to in-person learning and start planning for the next school year, is the best time to bring a system on board and start reaping the rewards of an efficient, easy-to-use program.

Ready to try one for yourself? See how EZ School Apps' Lunch Software Solutions is the right fit for your school. Contact us for a free demo of our solution and get started with a free 30-day trial to see why schools of all sizes around the country have chosen to partner with us.

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